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Setting Our Gaze Upon Eternal Things

It goes without me saying that college is hard, but there are also so many blessings that come with this somewhat awkward season of life as we transition into our adult years. As I reflect on what is now the three years that I have been in college, the Lord has taught me many things, but if I had to pick twos things that I have really been learning this year in particular, it would be the importance of setting our gaze upon eternal things and also the value of the friendships we make throughout our lives, in this case, college in particular.

For me, it is so easy for me to get caught up in the here and now: what is going on today, what must be done tomorrow, what needs to be prepared for next week, etc. And in that, eternity is often something that I lose sight of. Especially with being in college, there have been many times that I have gotten so wrapped up in my grades to the point where I was sobbing in my bedroom completely stressed out and filled with worry. At that moment, the Lord first showed me how prideful I had become in forgetting my complete dependence on Him. I was also reminded that while grades matter, they don’t matter ultimately. This does not mean that we should not try hard to do well in school. We are to work hard in all things as if working for the Lord (Colossians 3:23), but our value and ultimate purpose are not found in our grades or any other earthly things but in the Lord and in glorifying Him through how we live our lives. In the grand scheme of eternity, grades and any other earthly things that we might place high on the throne of our lives only have temporary importance and value. But the joy of knowing the Lord and getting to share that joy with others far supersedes anything this earth can offer us.

Another thing I have learned throughout my college years, but within this past year especially is the importance of companionship. I am an extremely introverted person, but if the pandemic taught me anything, it’s that I’m not THAT introverted. The ability to build relationships with people and enjoy their companionship is such a gift from the Lord, and something that He has truly provided for me through the BCM. I am convinced that apart from the friendships I have developed here I would not be the person that the Lord has shaped me to be today. It is so refreshing to be surrounded by fellow believers who love the Lord in not only word but also deed. I have been so encouraged and challenged by the friendships that I have developed here, and the Lord has used them to teach me so much about His grace, His goodness, and His patience.

Whether or not the BCM is where you land yourself upon your arrival on campus, I pray that you also discover similar Godly friendships here as you make that transition into college because they truly will shape your walk with God and your college experience as a whole. If I could leave you with one verse, it would be James 4:13-15: “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit — yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’”

Makayla Townsend | Senior | Madison, Alabama | @makaylaannn


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