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Above All Else

Updated: Apr 20, 2020

When I started college, I was given a lot of advice: “Be sure to get involved in a church.” “Plug into a campus ministry.” “Don’t come home the first month of college.” “Don’t buy books until after the first week of classes,” and on, and on, and on


Honestly, it was very overwhelming to be given so much advice. It was especially overwhelming for me because I like to know the rules and follow them. So I tried to follow all the advice that had been given to me. I got involved in the BCM, made lots of new friends, found a church, joined several clubs, and, while that first semester of college was great, I still felt like I was missing something.

About halfway through the semester I realized what it was—I had made an idol out of doing well in college and making new friends. I had even idolized my involvement with the BCM to the point that my main goal out of it was for social benefits, not to grow in my faith. I had put my faith on the backburner. I was not actually trying to grow my relationship with Jesus.

The most important thing you can do while you are at college is to pursue your relationship with the Lord. He wants to know you! He cares so much for you that he sent His son to die for you.

Do not let your relationship with the Lord become just another social experience, event to go to, or organization you are involved with. Jesus is the only one who will always be there for you.

When your family is miles away, when you have no friends, He is always there. When you mess up big time, or flunk that exam, He still cares for you. His mercies are new every morning! When everything seems too overwhelming, He is still in control.

“You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the errors of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” // 2 Peter 3: 17-18

So be excited. College is awesome! Make new friends, get involved in a church and campus ministries (the BCM is a pretty great one, if I do say so myself), put yourself out there and talk to new people—but above all else, make it your priority to get to know your Savior and have a deep relationship with him. Trust me, I pursued all the other things, and they only left me feeling empty. The only way we can be satisfied is through having a relationship with God our Father.

Ann Whitney Chappell // @annwchappell

Sophomore // Fashion Design

Decatur, AL


Tel. 205.345.3983 I  401 University Blvd, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

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