Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, "Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving us by many or by few." And his armor-bearer said to him, "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you heart and soul." // 1 Samuel 14:6-7
Then Jonathan climbed up on his hands and feet, and his armor-bearer climbed up after him. And that first strike, which Jonathan and his armor-bearer made, killed about twenty men within as it were half a furrow's length in an acre of land. // 1 Samuel 14:13-14
College can be a tumultuous time in your life, but it can also be the best years of your life. You move away from home into the unknown. You experience a freedom you've never had before. You meet amazing people that could become life-long friends. College is a time to find yourself as well as finding out what your purpose in life is. But among this great change are challenges.
In this passage, we see Jonathan's complete faith in God, so much so that he staked his entire life on God. Through his faith he and his armor bearer were able to climb up a cliff, to enemies who were knew they were coming, killing 20 of them, and still coming out on the other side unharmed.
Who are the 20 Philistines in your life? Is it temptation? Is it fear? Is it depression? Is it not knowing who you are supposed to be or what you're supposed to do? Whatever their names may be, you can be sure that whatever challenges are present in your life, God will provide the way to overcome them. Through faith in Him, you can be Jonathan and overcome any obstacle in front of you, and come out on the other side stronger in your faith, and with such an amazing victory that everyone who hears of it will be sure you couldn't have done it without God.
Here at the BCM, we want to be your armor-bearer. The people who support you in your fight, encouraging you all the way. We want to be the ones to believe in you, to encourage you, and to build you up, and through our love for one another we hope to be a light to UA as a whole. I can't wait to meet you guys this fall!
Benjamin King // @benjaminking94
Sophomore // Electrical Engineering
Ridgecrest, CA