Hi! My name is Kila Stephens, and I am a junior majoring in public health with a minor in food and nutrition. By this point in the summer you have probably already attended Bama Bound and are preparing for move-in. This can be an exciting yet scary time for some. I am here to tell you that you will be okay, everyone is going through the same transition. College is a big change, but it can also be so rewarding to see the growth you will make as a person. If you’re reading this blog, you are more than likely interested in getting involved in some way on campus. During my freshman year, getting involved with the BCM was one of the best things I did since coming into college.

I am an out-of-state student coming from a small city in North Carolina. With that being said, I came into college knowing no one, and being my introverted self, this was hard. The University of Alabama is a big campus, but I promise you there are plenty of opportunities for you to find your community. Coming in I knew I wanted to get plugged into a Christian community and the BCM was it for me. The BCM has made my transition so much easier and has helped me come out of my comfort zone, make great friendships, find a church, and grow closer to God. Since beginning at UA, the Lord has shown me that surrounding myself with a godly community is one of the best ways to survive college. Now here I am going into my junior year and I couldn’t be more excited. I may still not know what God has planned for me in the future, but I know everything will work out in His timing.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Kila Stephens | Junior | Morganton, NC | @kila_stephens