If you weren’t at the beard auction after Discovery last night… WOW you really missed out! We had so much fun and shaved some ~interesting~ designs on the faces of some of our most committed guys.
If you donated your face to the beard auction: thank you.
If you donated your money to the beard auction: thank you.
If you donated both: your name is Nick Schwartz + you spent money just to shave your own face.
If you’re wondering why we talk about missions so much + fundraise constantly: keep reading.
Missions is, in a sense, our role in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” // Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission calls us to GO, but most college students (if you’re like me) can’t quite figure out HOW to make that happen. That’s where missions (and One Mission Students) comes in!
One Missions Students helps college students in the state of Alabama (that’s you) spend their summers all around the state, nation, and globe sharing the Gospel and making disciples.
Ranging anywhere from 7 days to 10 weeks, there’s a trip for you no matter your summer schedule. And better yet, OMS helps you raise some of the money for your trip! All that money we raised last night goes directly to helping students (like you) go on mission trips. So why not put it to good use?
On a serious note, we are commanded to go share the Gospel. But at the end of the day, choosing to go is a personal choice. We must have a heart that breaks for those who have not heard about the love of Christ. We need to be concerned that millions of people all around our state, country, and world have never had someone share the Good News of Jesus Christ with them.
Since we’ve established that all of you can go on some sort of short- or long-term trip, the only question left is where are you going to go? Well, that’s my personal favorite part of OMS.
From Birmingham to Alaska to Mexico, you can go just about anywhere. There are tons of trips listed on the OMS website, and there’s even more international trips through an organization called Nehemiah Teams (they came to Discovery last week and spoke). I went to Chicago two summers ago through Nehemiah Teams and their North American counterpart (Project 52). I could talk for hours about all the Lord taught me while I was there, but I’ll spare you the time. Just know that going on a mission trip will change your heart and your life.
So, the timing of the trip shouldn’t be a barrier.
Cost shouldn’t be a barrier.
Location shouldn’t be a barrier.
You know what the only barrier is? It’s the barrier to the Gospel. It’s that enough people don’t GO.
Will you?
Can't wait to see how the Lord uses you!
Sydney Basden
Senior // News Media + Political Science